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Alpine stuff...
Meanwhile you find a bit more things here. I'll try to do my best to
present tour reports from the Alps that could be of more or less general interest. But, I'd be grateful about any comments
what you'd like most to see translated.
Note that this page is under construction, and it will always be. Links may guide you to German language pages at the moment. Generally the German version of this page might have been updated more recently.
You can also use the map to locate and select the different trips mentioned here.
- Trip reports and practical hints
- Aiguille Verte through Whymper couloir (July 96)
- A "must" in the Alps: Matterhorn, Hörnli ridge (Aug. 96)
- First ski tour of the winter - Flüelapass/Grialetsch (Dez. 96)
- 2600 Meter Abfahrt (und natürlich Aufstieg) - Tödi (März 97)
- Last ski tour of the season - Dammastock (June 1997)
- Obergabelhorn (Wallis) (August 1997)
- Through the Aletsch area - Groß Grünhorn and Finsteraarhorn (Sept. 1997)
- Skiurlaub 1998 - Teil 1: Skitour Pigne d'Arolla (Wallis) (Februar 1998)
- Skiurlaub 1998 - Teil 2: Skitouren im Saastal (Wallis) (Februar 1998)
- Dent Blanche (Wallis) (August 1998)
- Piz Palü (Bernina) (September 1998) (Alpine club tour)
- Grand Combin (Wallis) (September 1999)
- Blinnenhorn (Tessin/Wallis) (Januar 2000)
- Mont Vélan (Wallis) (März 2000)
- Mont Blanc de Cheilon (Wallis) (April 2000)
- Piz Bernina (Biancograt) (July 2000)
- Wallis (August 2000) in three parts: 1. Dom and Täschhorn, 2. Lenzspitze, Nadelhorn, Stecknadelhorn, Dürrenhorn, and 3. Dent d'Hérens.
- Forcola di Livigno (Radtour, Juni 2001)
- Lauteraarhorn (Juli 2001)
- Les Droites Normalweg (August 2001)
- Grandes Jorasses Normalweg (August 2001)
- Dent du Géant (Juni 2003)
- Mont Blanc (Juli 2003) (Alpenvereinstour)
- Verwall (Radtour, September 2003)
- Cristallina/Basòdino (Februar 2004)
- Punta Eccles (Montblanc) (July 2004)
- Watzmann (Überschreitung) (Juli 2005)
- Radtour durch Tirol (April 2007)
I haven'd translated the recent trips, so you should look at the German version of this page for newer reports.
- A list of the 4000 m peaks of the Alps - now sortable by different criteria
- A small alpine image gallery (under construction yet...):
- Valais/Wallis (18 images)
- Mont Blanc group, Aosta valley (17 images)
- Bernese Alps(7 images)
- Grisons/Graubünden(14 images)
- Uri, Northeastern Switzerland, Austria (14 images)
In case you'd like to have one of the images for your personal use (e.g. as a Windows background), just e-mail to me which one (and for what screen pixel size). As long as you use the images for your own, of course there's no obligation at all. If you make images accessible to other people I would like to ask you for a reference to the source, or a link to the corresponding WWW page, and a notification to me . This all applies to all images, Alps or from any of my expedition reports.
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Last updated July 13, 2022 by Hartmut Bielefeldt